The future of feeding software: We are pleased to announce the release of Vision 2.0.
ScaleAQ is by far the biggest supplier of feeding cameras to the global salmon industry. Since the first release of our camera operating software Vision in 2017, feeding operations have changed from mainly onsite feeding towards centralized feeding. Remote, centralized feeding enables operators to handle more locations and more pens than before. This development has put new requirements on the flexibility and stability of the camera operation software. The updated Vision is therefore not just a visual upgrade; it also comes with new functionalities, increased stability, more flexibility and a plan for more improvements going forward.
New interface
During a normal feeding day, the operator spends most of the time monitoring images from the cameras. When updating your Vision, the first thing you will notice is that the interface and menus look better. Vision 2.0 has a completely new user interface and new ways of displaying sensor-, feeding- and pellet data.
Better feeding control
We have also improved the integration between Vision and our feeding software, so the operator can perform start, stop and adjustment corrections, including changing feeding mode, without leaving the camera software or taking the eyes off the screen. Feeding status is of course displayed in the image, and we have prepared for displaying warnings from the feeding system or other vital equipment that need the operators’ attention.

The new interface of Vision 2.0
Gamepad controller update
Many of our users prefer to control the cameras using a gamepad. In Vision 2.0 we have simplified the setup of the controller input directly in the software. All Vision actions can now be handled using the gamepad and extra measures are taken to further improve stability. We even prepared the software for accepting new type of controllers, so if you have a favorite gaming console you can now use the same controller for feeding fish as for playing games.
Integrated pellet detection
The last few years have shown a clear shift towards feeding operators being responsible for fish performance in more pens and on multiple sites. Where they once needed to feed 6-8 pens, they are now often feeding three of four times that. The increased number of pens being fed simultaneously makes precise intensity adjustments (or start / stop) more difficult. The Pellector is made to address this issue.
The processing of the pellet data is done as close to the data source (the camera) as possible, and Vision 2.0 will display the pellet count in the video image. The Pellector comes with several adjustment options both in terms of how to visualize the pellet data on the screen, but also facilitate user adjustment of the algorithm itself. This flexibility ensures that the Pellector can be adjusted to shifting conditions in either water conditions, biomass conditions, feeding regimes or personal preferences.

Version 2.0 is here, but we’re not done yet…
- Automatic adjustment of feeding based on pellet detection
- Automatic recording when incidents occur
- Camera autorun, meaning that cameras can automatically perform scheduled tasks like checking for morts, gathering environmental data from various depths etc.
- Show deviations or component failures in connected systems (blowers, pressure, etc.)
- Support for ultrawide screens
- etc.
Stay tuned!