… And the Green Platform Project SirkAQ will contribute to making this happen! SirkAQ aims to promote the transition in aquaculture from a linear to a circular economy.
This will be done by establishing and implementing sustainable circular value chains for plastics from end-of-life equipment from the aquaculture industry through reuse, repair, lifetime extension and through the use of recycled materials in new products. The aim is to optimize resource usage and reduce aquaculture’s environmental and climate footprint. The project’s vision is “zero plastic waste by 2030”.
The first meeting
Last week, ScaleAQ invited all partners; SinkabergHansen, Norner, Hallingplast, Oceanize, Oslo Metropolitan University, Future Materials and Sintef; to a kick-off meeting at Hitra and Frøya.
During the 2 days at Hitra and Frøya, we launched the project “Circular solutions for the aquaculture industry”. 25 interested stakeholders from the 8 partner companies participated, gaining new knowledge and insights into ScaleAQ’s production activities with regards to mooring solutions, seine nets and net-pens.

Day 1 – Hitra
The meeting started at ScaleAQ’s service station for seine nets at Hitra, where we received a great and insightful tour by Site Manager Frode Larsen and Head of cleaning operations Bent Einar Nordvik, demonstrating how the seine nets are treated, repaired and reused. Many interesting discussions took place.
Day 2 – Frøya
Day 2 was spent at Nordhamarvik, where ScaleAQ’s production of pens and moorings takes place. Here Faruk Yaylaci, Production Manager and Audun Sivertsen Fjeldvær, CTO, shared their experiences and insights into the production of aquaculture technology.
The rest of the meeting was used to review and discuss the work being carried out in the project. It was two busy and exciting days for all the participating stakeholders. We look forward to getting started with the project.
We have created a dedicated project page – feel free to visit it and sign up for newsletters to get updates on the project.