Camera System

ScaleAQ is a world class supplier of cameras for the global aquaculture industry. Since 1985, we have been helping aquaculture operators to perfect feeding using video images from their pens, and we know of several cases where our cameras continue to work superbly after more than 20 years under water. With solid experience and documented high quality products, ScaleAQ is the natural choice when you want a future-oriented camera solution that will last for many years to come.
Filter results

Orbit FHD

Orbit HD Fixed

Orbit FHD Fixed

Orbit HD

Orbit HD Mobile


Orbit HD Surface

Smart Winch


Orbit Multiwinch

Orbit HD Dome PTZ Basic


Orbit HD Dome PTZ Extreme

Power cabinet for pens TN-S 400VAC

Solar CIU

Network cabinet for pens

Global presence, local service

With 34 offices spread across eight countries, service and maintenance options for your camera solution are never far away. We offer maintenance programs that ensure maximum uptime for your camera system, but in the event that you encounter problems we will be able to assist you via our support service or by expediting the dispatch of local technicians to your site.

More than just live images

The primary task of an underwater camera is to deliver good images of the fish in the pen to the control room on the feeding barge or a remote feeding centre. In addition, the cameras are constantly given new tasks such as indicators of environmental status in the pen, early warning of changes in fish behaviour or as inspection cameras of nets or dead fish. The basis for such tasks is a video stream – and the better the camera, the better the analysis. It is also important that the customer should be able to decide where the video stream should be sent, where it should be downloadable and which analyses should be used. To put it briefly: the camera system you choose must be of high quality, trustworthy and have the necessary flexibility to integrate with algorithms or technologies from different vendors via open interfaces.

ScaleAQ extends your feeding window

All cameras supplied by ScaleAQ provide you with an image specially tuned to read the appetite of the fish. The quality of the image is not determined by the number of pixels, even thought it can be all too easy to think that. The lens and transmission technology, not to mention the light sensitivity, all play a vital role in enabling you to see the fish as clearly as possible in the morning and as late as possible in the afternoon and evening. This is why ScaleAQ offer the most light sensitive cameras available on the market. As long as the fish can see the pellet, you can see the fish.

As long as the fish can see the pellet, you can feed.


We supply our own proprietary software Vision together with every camera system. However, in line with our philosophy about openness and freedom of choice, you can also control a ScaleAQ camera or winch using third party solutions. We offer open APIs for camera and winch control. This means that a ScaleAQ camera system can easily be fitted into infrastructure featuring technology and equipment from different suppliers.

Infrastructure and data collection

At present, there are large volumes of video, sensor and feeding data that need to flow from the pen to the feeding operator on the barge or in the feeding control center. ScaleAQ offers both wireless and fiber solutions for this. But you need your data to do more than just flow – it needs to be possible to collect it, store it and distribute it to a data warehouse or use it in reporting and analysis programs. ScaleAQ has its own integration platform for this purpose: we gather all the relevant digital data from your feed barge and make it available where you want it, including data from systems supplied by third parties.


Fish don’t stand still – which is why your camera can’t do that either. A key aspect of our camera system is our proprietary multiwinch. This is a specially designed unit that enables you to move the camera both horizontally and vertically in the pen, ensuring you always have the best image of whatever is going on. This also makes your camera a great tool for checking your net and carrying out inspections for dead fish.


Tor Henrik Haavik
Sales Director North Atlantic
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Trond Karlsen
Sales Director Emerging Markets
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Sustainability in Aquaculture

Industry, innovation and infrastructure Responsible consumption and production Life below water
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