Biological overview from roe to slaughter, fish health, optimized production planning in the future and full control of financial parameters are all features that make Mercatus an outstanding tool – both in terms of operational control and for making significant strategic decisions.
Mercatus offers a modern, user-friendly interface and also works on mobile and tablet. The solution is species-independent, uses an open API in line with ScaleAQ’s philosophy of transparency and is used by aquaculture operators – great and small – all around the world.
Mercatus Future: Simple and efficient biological planning
Future provides up-to-date biological information across sites, and is a sophisticated planning tool used to simulate future biological data. Simulated and real-time data are combined, and the ability to run an unlimited number of scenarios makes Future a strong analysis tool that provides help when developing strategy and engaging in decision-making processes.
Future can be configured using a range of growth models. Within each scenario, the user can adjust conditions such as temperature, growth rate, mortality rate, feed types, movements, slaughter, treatments and cleaner fish at an overall level, or right down to the individual pen. The system can be used for the entire life cycle and Future lets you plan from the overall company level right down to the very last detail in terms of pen and tank.

STHP – Short Term Harvest Planner
As part of Future, we offer a customized interface for detailed slaughter planning for the coming weeks. STHP provides good information about how many fish are available and ready for slaughter, as well as the capacity available at the slaughterhouse. STHP generates complete and detailed slaughter plans that can be used as a logistics basis in the slaughtering process. STHP can also receive continuous information from the slaughterhouse with details of weight distribution, quality and quantity. This means you can more quickly plan the next day with a high degree of accuracy.
Reporting is done using a wide range of standard reports or through the use of our OLAP cubes which export the data to Excel and other formats such as Power BI. We help to customize every report so that you get the information presented exactly as you want it. These reports provide you with a great overview of future production, and details such as deployment plans, feeding schedules and slaughter plans, etc.
Integrated Systems
As part of the planning module, we are now able to offer the optimization engine Neptune® as a fully integrated feature of Future. Read more below.

Optimization: Plan for maximum production utilization
Our optimization engine Neptune® is now fully integrated into Future. This provides you with an optimized deployment and slaughter plan taking into account the limitations and circumstances with which the company is working. Neptune® allows you to optimize MTB utilization and profits based on available biomass and existing plans.
During the summer of 2019, ScaleAQ acquired the company Panlogica, which has developed and operated Neptune since 2001 on behalf of major aquaculture business all over the globe. The engine is well-established and in use with aquaculture operators working with a range of species.
Integrated into Future
Neptune has been integrated as a module into Future in a user-friendly and simple way. It uses all the prerequisites that are already embedded in Future, and delivers maximum MTB utilization and estimated profits through the customization of deployment and slaughter in an optimized manner. The results from the engine are fed straight back into Future and be analyzed just as easily and efficiently as other plans in Future.
The combination of Future and Neptune enables you to create multiple production plans in a very short space of time, regardless of your company’s size. Mercatus Future and Neptune are the market-leading planning and strategy tools in the industry.