Exploring Repurposing Opportunities
In our focus on repurposing, we are exploring several types of equipment, including ropes. The Norwegian aquaculture industry uses large quantities of ropes annually, certified according to NS9415. When the certification period expires, the standard practice has often been to send the ropes directly for recycling. Repurposing ropes before recycling can further reduce environmental impact. Through the Gjenta(u) project, we have explored the possibility of repurposing ropes for farming species other than fish, and we are working on implementing the findings from the project.
Environmental Documentation
To ensure that our initiatives have a real and positive environmental impact, we document the environmental footprint of repurposed products. This includes conducting life cycle assessments (LCA) and preparing environmental product declarations (EPD) for selected products. By having reliable data on the environmental profile of our solutions, we can make informed decisions and contribute to a more sustainable aquaculture industry. More information on how we work with this can be found on our Sustainability page.