ScaleAQ has become a member of UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact is UNs organization for sustainable businesses, and the world’s largest corporate initiative for sustainability.

As a global supplier of technology to the aquaculture industry, with sustainability as an essential part of our business, we are happy to announce that we have become a member of UN Global Compact in Norway.

With the membership, we commit to following the ten principles of UN Global Compact and work towards the UN’s sustainability goals. 

un global compact

UN Global Compact’s ten principles provide guidelines that help companies operate in a way that facilitate a responsible approach to human rights, working life, anti-corruption and the environment. Together with the UN’s Sustainable Development goals, the principles serve as guidelines for the member companies’ sustainability effort. When a company joins the UN Global Compact, it commits to follow and report on its own work, in accordance with the ten principles. 

— A membership in the UN Global Compact is a clear commitment. We will follow the guidelines and report annually on our work with the 17 SDG’s and the UN Global Compact’s ten principles for sustainable business operations. The membership strengthens our already committed work on sustainability, both internally and externally to our customers, says CEO Geir Myklebust. 

UN Global Compact’s ten principles will become an integrated part of training and reporting in Scale AQ and will help further systematize the company’s sustainability work. 

— It is a pleasure welcoming Scale AQ as a member. We appreciate their effort to adhere to the ten principles of responsible business, and that they want to further strengthen their sustainability commitment and work, says Kim N. Gabrielli, CEO of UN Global Compact Norway. 

It is important that we all work together to achieve the climate and sustainability goals by 2030. 

— The world is facing major challenges in finding sustainable food sources for a rapidly growing world population. Although aquaculture is one of the most sustainable ways to produce food, it is crucial that the industry, including Scale AQ, works systematically with sustainability if we are to achieve the climate and sustainability goals by 2030, concludes Hanne Digre, Sustainability Director at Scale AQ. 

Bilde Geir og Hanne

Sustainability Director Hanne Digre and CEO Geir Myklebust  celebrates ScaleAQ’s membership in UN Global Compact.